


  AdSense, short for Google AdSense, is a popular advertising program run by Google. It allows website owners and creators to monetize their content by displaying targeted ads on their websites. Here’s how it generally works: Publisher Signup : Website owners or creators sign up for Google AdSense. They can then place ad code provided by Google on their websites. Ad Display : Google AdSense uses contextual targeting to display ads relevant to the content of the website. These ads can be in various formats such as text, image, video, or interactive media. Revenue Generation : When visitors to the website click on or view these ads, the website owner earns a portion of the revenue generated by the advertiser. This is typically based on CPC (Cost Per Click) or CPM (Cost Per Thousand Impressions). Payment : Google handles the billing and payment process for the ads served through AdSense. Payments are made on a monthly basis if the earnings reach the minimum threshold (which varies by co